Engineering Inventions


The Most Awaited Event is Back

Unleash your potential


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Avishkar, the flagship event of IEEE - VBIT SB, is a Technical Paper Presentation competition held exclusively for the freshmen of VBIT. In 2011, the IEEE - VBIT SB received the prestigious "Darrel Chong Gold Student Activity Award" in recognition to their outstanding achievement in organizing the event for five consecutive years. This year marks the 15th edition of the most eminent event with a new approach to pave an ideal path for students to enhance their technical cognizance and contrive mastery in advanced technologies. Avishkar induces students with professional presentation skills, enabling them to ameliorate their oratory skills and research adroitness.



Surya Teja Thodupunuri


Winning Avishkar 2K22, significantly reinforced my self-confidence and had a profound impact on me. As a first-year student, being recognized as the winner of a highly prestigious event had numerous positive outcomes for me. The competition was challenging while featuring enormous skilled competitors. It gave me an opportunity to delve into emerging technologies. It facilitated my acuity in the technical facets and meliorated towards refinement. My participation in the competition aided me to demonstrate latest technologies to a wide audience and an opportunity to enhance my professional adroitness. I am in a firm belief that a first- year student, participating in Avishkar and exhibiting their ideas adeptly can embark on their journey of augmenting new skills.

Pamarthi Chanikya


Participating in Avishkar 2K22 was a defining moment for me. It provided me with an opportunity to exhibit my concepts to a larger audience, thereby enhancing my assurance in articulating my perspectives. I was able to identify and curb areas of inadequacy in my presenting abilities, allowing me to express my strengths in a more proficient and professional manner. The empiricism was essential in elevating my self-confidence and inducing a transformation in my perspective, transitioning me from a passive spectator to an active participant. Avishkar served as my initial exposure to the world of research, giving me valuable insights and experiences that will remain indelible.

Sai Manikanta Jakka


I had the privilege of participating in Avishkar 2K22, the flagship event of IEEE - VBIT SB, and it was an unforgettable experience. It not only accorded me the opportunity to expand my technical knowledge, but it also allowed me to discover my potential as an individual. The competition imbued me with a sense of confidence and proficiency in public speaking, which I previously lacked as an introvert. Despite being nervous in the beginning, I was able to overcome my stage fright and present my innovative ideas with aplomb. The experience was both intellectually inspiring and immensely rewarding. I believe that my participation in Avishkar was a transformative decision that greatly enhanced my personal and professional development.

J. Sri Charan Reddy

Social Media Promotion

Avishkar 2K22 was truly a remarkable experience, it allowed me to realize my innate potential and surmount my stage fright. The event was meticulously organized and provided me with a platform to unveil my research to a diverse and discerning audience. I had the chance to ameliorate my presentation skills. It helped me to gain a deeper understanding of various methodologies essential for delivering a compelling and informative presentation. The knowledge and skills acquired during the event have enhanced my research abilities, which assisted me to approach my studies with a more knowledgeable and well-informed perspective. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to demonstrate my capabilities through Avishkar, and it will always be an enduring event in my freshmen year.

Mohammad Samreen


My personal growth and development took a leap forward when I participated in Avishkar 2K22. It gave me an opportunity to showcase my skills in an environment of creative exploration and self-discovery. The diverse range of innovative ideas and heuristic techniques presented during the event was truly enlightening and expanded my understanding of various technical subjects. The experience facilitated the enhancement of my cognitive scope, driving me to transcend my current state of knowledge and illuminating novel possibilities for intellectual progression. The exposure I had was truly enriching and I believe it will be of great value as I continue to pursue my academic and professional goals.

Sai Ganesh Kemburu

Web Designing

Being a participant of Avishkar 2K22 was a truly exceptional and unparalleled experience. It availed as a stupendous platform for me to enhance my presentation abilities and augment my confidence. I had the opportunity to develop my understanding of the leading-edge technologies that are shaping the future. The experience imparted us with a comprehensive exposure to a plethora of advanced technical topics. It endorsed my desire to contemplate beyond the boundaries of existing technologies. My counsel to those seeking to partake in Avishkar is to consistently radiate self-assurance, articulate your concepts and aspire for preeminence

Madasi Jemima


My experience with Avishkar 2K22 was highly rewarding and it bestowed me the chance to exhibit my abilities and potential. It significantly enhanced my self-confidence and determination. Through my participation in Avishkar, I was motivated to strive for professional advancement and developing my technical abilities through dedication and persistence. The event enhanced my abilities by providing me with advanced technical skills and knowledge, and it also strengthened my passion for innovation. It gave a valuable opportunity to augment my public speaking abilities. Avishkar was truly an indelible event, and I am indebted for the experiences it provided.